I arrived home from my stay at Leela, (where I left for after having organised and attended my friend's funeral and then packing down their flat the following day), to be greeted by a very old and dear friend- Grief, who embraced and welcomed me home fully.
The reality that my beautiful friend is no longer with us in the physical sense, hit home big time.
The huge feelings of loss and emptiness, rawness and feeling rather vulnerable at times shine forth, coming in tsunami strength waves, at unpredictable times, out in public and at home, and then pass as I let myself feel all these fully in their entirety.

Artwork by Robin Shaw*
I also remember so clearly our friendship before the diagnosis and cancer took hold of my friend's body and life and how it was before I became more his advocate and carer for these past months.
We embarked on DIY projects together at my home and garden (our bench! ) music editing for my Burlesque routines, cups of tea and chats at his flat, and supporting our beloved friend Nirjana throughout her journey with cancer and in her death.

SO many things and moments to be grateful for in these precious years of friendship And love and wellness shining through it all
Read about the different Services I offer in end-of-life planning:
Empower Hour - for anyone wishing to make the first steps in end-of-life planning. Get all those unanswered questions answered and a clear plan of where you need to go or what you need to do next tailored to you or for a loved one you are supporting.
Lasting Power of Attorney - Gain complete peace of mind knowing that the people making decisions for us, at a time when we no longer are able to, are people of our choosing and legally registered to do so! These decisions are for all aspects of our health & wellbeing, our finances & property
Funeral Preparation and Planning - In getting clear on our wishes for our funerals ahead of time, we will support both ourselves and our loved ones- and not to mention save thousands of pounds in the process!
Join my private Facebook group - No Regrets- for valuable content, top tips, and support from a wonderful community.
To talk through any of the aspects of end-of-life planning book a 15-minute call with me
I am so happy to support you in making life a lot easeful at this most stressful of times.
Mala x
* Artwork by Robin Shaw -robinonholiday@gmail.com