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                       Lasting Power of Attorney 


If you lost the capacity and ability to make decisions for yourself, you would want someone you know and trust to be able to make these decisions for you, wouldn't you? 


And you would naturally assume that your loved ones would be able to do this for you, right?  


Unfortunately, (and surprisingly), you would be wrong in assuming this


In the eyes of the Law, next of kin is a myth.  This comes as a big shock when the partners, families, and friends find out that they do not have the legal right to make decisions for their loved ones who have lost mental capacity to make decisions for themselves.  These are decisions regarding their health & welfare and also finances and property.

Decisions for health and welfare include, what medical treatments are given or refused, where and how the person is cared for, quality of life, being the spokesperson, the advocate, to able to talk with the doctors, care workers & agencies involved. 


For decisions and actions taken with the finances and property, it can be as simple as being able to top up the person's phone on their behalf, to paying bills, being able to talk with the banks, and selling a person's property, or paying for a dependent's university fees. 

And if you had a joint bank account with this person, then the bank will most likely "freeze" the account, which means you can no longer access your finances either. 












To be able to have the authority to make these decisions after a person loses capacity without having made a Lasting Powers of Attorney in advance is to apply for Deputyship with the Court of Protection. This process can and does run into thousands of pounds and comes with a whole lot of headaches and stress. 


And this is why putting a Lasting Power of Attorney in place in advance is so very important to avoid this upset and stress, not to mention costly legal and medical complications further down the line.. 

In meeting together for this service, I will take the stress and worry out of the process of applying for a Lasting Powers of Attorney.  I offer my care and support every step of the way, translate all the legal jargon and rules, help get clear on whom you would like to invite to be your Attorneys based on the skill sets, roles, and responsibilities.












I pay complete consideration to details that you would not necessarily think of and will fill in the forms for you hence, taking all the stress out of these famously daunting forms and procedures and guiding you through to the signing and Registration procedure. 

You will gain complete peace of mind knowing that should something happen, your back is covered, and your bank account is in tact! 







  • You are 18 or over and have the mental capacity to make decisions

  • You feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the mere mention of Lasting Powers of Attorney 

  • You feel confused by the whole legal jargon and complicated forms and just want someone to do this for you. 

  • You avoid doing paperwork at all costs! 

  • You want to avoid hefty costs and stress applying to the Court of Protection further down the line if your loved one loses their capacity to make decisions and an LPA was not put in place beforehand. 

  • Want to feel the relief and have peace of mind  knowing that someone who you trust implicitly will be making decisions on your behalf for your care and treatments and looking after your finances, instead of a person who knows nothing about you or what matters most to you, if you lose the ability to make these decisions for yourself. 

  • You want your finances and property decisions and actions to be made if you are abroad or in hospital and are unable to do this yourself. 

This service is for you if...

The Lasting Power of Attorney service is £697 *

This includes:
4 x  one-hour zoom meetings, over a six weeks period. 
2 Lasting Power of Attorneys  -  Health & Welfare and Finance & Property. 
Support, guidance and resources where applicable. 

Any additional Lasting Power of Attorneys are £120 each. 

* please note that the registration fees for the Lasting Power of Attorneys are not included and to be paid to the Office of The Public Guardian of £82 

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This service is not for you if:

  •  You are under the age of 18 

  • Have a complex situation and need financial and legal advice from a Solicitor

So, if you are ready to take action, or to find out how I can help you, then book your free 15 minute call with me 

Book a call


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Lilla, 72,  Arts Educator 

“After having my Lasting Powers of Attorney application form returned to me for the THIRD time for a small oversight in the signing order, I was ready to give up and to look for an easier option. 


I had already completed my Advanced Decisions and checked with Mala if she thought just having this would be satisfactory.


  Of course, after speaking with Mala I realised it was not. The difference being that an Advanced Directive is for me to say which treatments I would want or not want in cases of life sustaining treatments, whereas an LPA allows for me to have a legal spokesperson to oversee my care and treatments and be in liaison with the medical health teams. 


The only solution was to continue with the LPA but I felt completely overwhelmed and especially as I am experiencing poor health at the moment which added to the stress.   


To have Mala’s support with her wealth of experience is a total boon, and as with any professional relationship, fees to cover this extra help with the LPA are worth their weight in gold: as we pay in many different ways such as stress or great amounts of time.” 

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Peter, on behalf of his oldest friend 

This is to thank Mala for her support for our friend Pyasa aka David in his last year of life.


Pyasa began to think about having a Lasting Powers of Attorney about a year ago. He looked into it all and obtained the appropriate paperwork and partly filled it in but never completed it. 


Especially having the documents signed and witnessed.

He mentioned this to Mala later in the year who immediately took charge and ensured that Pyasa finished all of them and then ensured they were signed and witnessed appropriately.


Without Mala‘s commitment, drive, energy and support this would never have happened and Pyasa would have died without anyone being able to take control of his last few months and ensure he was properly cared for in his closing weeks.


Because of Mala‘s commitment and involvement Pyasa was cared for properly with dignity in hospital, his flat and finally in the care Home where he sadly died.

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Naropa and Sufiya 

We appreciated Mala’s support, friendly but not pushy, and her light touch. She knew the process well, and supported us at key stages by making appointments in advance which helped to keep us on track.


We feel confident that she’s helped us to do the right thing. We feel relieved and glad it’s done.


– Naropa and Sufiya

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