
Diana Mitchell, USA
" After this remarkable session with Mala I can see there were many things that had not occurred to me.
Mala is compassionate and sensitive and knows how to discuss these sometimes difficult subjects.
I am so grateful to Mala for all her help. She has a deep knowledge of and experience with ALL the kinds of decisions that will need to be made and gave me the motivation and confidence to follow through with gathering information and making decisions". Diana Mitchell, USA

Robin, Artist
" I want to say a HUGE thank you to Mala for your beautiful support.
With my end of life preparations
I have wanted to get this done for SO long, a Will and other practical related things but I was just TOO SCARED to do it by myself.
I would NEVER have completed it without you.
Thank you so much, it is SUCH a relief to have these things in place.
Thank you!"

Lilla, 72, Arts Educator
" Going through my end of life plan together with Mala, where she shares from her experience, illuminates details that I could not know by doing it on my own"

Dale, Homeopathist
" I feel very pleased to have this done. It has been weighing on my mind for many years. I feel lighter and more at ease as a result of having completed the planning and documents.
I feel more relaxed when I think of my own death, knowing that everything is ready and prepared for. It means that as I die I can relax without having to convey last minute instructions to loved ones".

Steffie, Green Futures
"It was a beautiful to do the session with you. So great to know what needs to be done to support all my beloved in the best way in case of my death and to know how to plan a death in a way that honours me too.
Before I came I thought I did not want to think about it, but now that we talked it through and learned how to plan for death the weight has fallen off.
I feel much more at peace with my own death and that of beloved ones. I can see more clearly what is needed, how to do it and how to benefit when facing the death of others or my own.
I did my will straight away using the web-site you recommended and it was much easier than I had thought - of course also with what we learned on your course".

Ian Wolstenholme B.Sc.(hons)
" I am very comfortable with looking at my death, yet my understanding of the practicalities were ill -prepared, having little idea of what preplanning was needed.
During my first session with Mala my eyes were really opened as to just what was needed and why that was so. Mala is so well informed and able to advise on the many faceted requirements necessary to take the pressure off my partner.
Mala was very clear and structured in her communication and support and continues to be so, I am inspired to complete the now well understood elements of my end of like plans".

Lalitya, retiree, Brighton
"Mala has helped me mentally prepare myself – I don’t find it easy to think about what I will want when I am older and incapable of making my own decisions.
Now I am ready and we are going through the forms together with Mala as my heartful companion. Otherwise, I would be staring into space, feeling hazy and tired and postponing it yet again".

Emilija, The Netherlands
"I always felt powerless being confronted with the subject of dying and death. Now, having taken care of what I can take care of around that topic, I feel empowered and more at ease.
Letting death into my life in this way (through the programme) was an act of self-kindness and compassion, allowing myself to normalize and integrate death in my life".

Anon, Dorset
"My husband had a stroke in September having already had a TIA in late July. Since he had fully recovered from the TIA, it didn't cross my mind to organise a Power of Attorney.
The week he went into hospital after the stroke, Mala came to stay at Osho Leela for a week's retreat. She offered her support straight away. It seemed godly that she was here at that exact moment.
We sat on my veranda and she spoke about the difficulties that can arise if I don't have a POA or am not a named executor of his will. It was very clear to me that these were things that were important and bring ease if and when needed, further down the line.
Having spoken with Mala, I went straight to my computer and started getting a POA form filled out.
A week later, I also helped my husband make a will and create an advanced decision. Probably because these things aren't for me, it was all easier to do but now I know that it's not such a big deal sorting these things out and infinitely easier when there is someone else sitting with you, going through the form, supporting the process, as I did with him
Thank you, Mala, for being right here with your expertise and encouragement to get the ball moving".

Only a few minutes into the session, I had my first revelation! That, far from being considerate by leaving all the funeral arrangement decisions to my loved ones, I was actually potentially adding to their stress and overwhwlem. They would have enough to do and deal with, without deciding on all the funeral details!
Having gently and kindly guided me to this first major change in my perception, Mala continued to clearly and empathically explained the myriad of both practical and emotional aspects to End of Life Planning. Despite there being so much to consider, Mala made sure that I was not overwhelmed and answered all my many questions in a way that has helped my understanding and planning enormously.
I am now putting together an End of Life Planning folder and have discussed this with my partner and children. I very much hope to be able to have Mala support me further as I work through this and the legal and emotional support I would like to put in place.
I cannot recommend this process highly enough and Mala’s perfectly judged and well-informed guidance makes it all the more valuable, ensuring everything is covered."

Tine, Devon
Earlier this year I worked with Mala on getting my end of life affairs in order.
Apart from the loveliness of working with Mala as a person, I found her process really clear, supportive and reassuring.
I had for some time wanted to get clear about the things I need to bring in order for my family, should something happen to me. I found this really overwhelming, so being held by the hand was just so helpful.
Mala is empathetic and I whole heartedly recommend Mala."

Nikki, Writer
"A powerful and animating process, and one which facilitated too little miracles with family members - our first more personal conversations about 'death & dying preferences' unfolding in easy and gentle ways.
Thank you Mala, this is a blessing."