Visit to Tibetan Buddhist Hospice in Germany
When was the last time you updated your Will?
5 reasons why you probably haven't got your power of attorney in place -yet!
Do it for others
A visit to Bath Natural Burials Meadow
If you or your parents are considering buying a direct cremation - you might just want to read this
5 things I learnt about organising a funeral
Save money on funeral costs by planning ahead - your family will thank you for it.
5 ways to save money (and stress) for your family with the rising of Funeral Costs
The confusion of Lasting Power of Attorney forms
The 3 different types of Power of Attorney
Dying with Dignity thanks to having his Lasting Power of Attorney
Empower Hour Support - How Sue found out she could plan a Funeral that reflected her life
Video Interview with Scattering Ashes
How to lessen the burden on your loved ones after you die
Yesterday I had a scary experience that made me realise my own mortality
We got each other's backs- caring for someone at the end of life
5 reasons why people don’t make a Will in the UK
Dad's Unexpected Death and Supporting his Family by Putting End-of-Life Plans in Place.
End of Life Planning - Empower Hour lives up to its name!