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Paperwork & Passwords 

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If you died suddenly, would your family know where to find the all-important paperwork amongst all the other paperwork?

Is your paperwork all over the place? Do you put an important document down and then not remember where on earth you put it? 










Would your family, loved ones or friends know what your passwords are and where to find them to be able to access all your accounts in both physical and virtual world? 










Today we lead such complicated lives with having a life online as well as in the physical world. We have online accounts for banking, utility accounts, shopping, leisure activities, social media, subscriptions for Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, You Tube, to name a few! 

Wouldn't it be nice to have your paperwork organised, in a folder, passwords recorded so that whatever is needed can be found when it is needed? 















Not just for now, when all is as calm and normal as it can be, but also when the time comes in an emergency, health crisis or at the time of death, when stress levels are sky high and people are in shock. 

Read my experience of having been on the receiving end when a freind's passwords weren't recorded! 

If you answer yes to any of the above, then Paperwork & Passwords Package is for you! 














Paperwork & Passwords Package is for you if:

You need and the support offered to get this done! 

You make time to do the work

Want accountability

Want peace of mind knowing that your loved ones can easily access your information when needed. 

Paperwork & Passwords in not for you if:

You are not willing to do the work and make the time

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Book a Call with me 

Book a call with me to have a chat about your personal situation and to see how I can help you move forward in getting your paperwork and passwords sorted and organised and to answer any questions or concerns you might have and to see if Paperwork and Passwords is a good fit for you.

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