No Regrets

Welcome - I'm Mala and I am here to support you in giving yourself and your loved ones the precious gift of having No Regrets, by getting all your living and dying affairs in order, in ADVANCE of your death, so you can concentrate on living life now with peace of mind that all is taken care of, both for yourself and your loved ones. Imagine what a relief that would be.
Talking or even just thinking about dying can seem totally overwhelming, painful, frightening and frankly quite morbid, and there are many who believe that just by talking about this taboo subject will bring on their death somehow. And besides, who has the time to do all this in this busy day and age? All perfectly normal responses.
No matter how much we may have put it off in the past, we all know that there are things that need to be done, like writing a Will, leaving instructions and gathering together the all-important paperwork and thinking about the decisions that need to be made around our funeral.
There is also the all-important stating of wishes for our care in our final days to be considered and recorded. In doing all this we are ensuring that the people who are left behind know exactly what needs to be done when the time comes (and where to find the essential paperwork!).
Speak to me now for your Free Consultation, and make a start on this today!
With the unexpected emergence of Covid in recent times demanding our attention, we have had no choice but to face the reality of death and dying on a daily basis and that of both ourselves and our loved ones.
By working with me, getting everything in order, you will:
Have complete peace of mind knowing everything has been thought of and recorded.
Save yourself hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds by becoming aware of the choices involved in end of life planning and making informed decisions in advance.
Have one-to-one support in helping you address each aspect of putting your affairs in place in a relaxed and empowering way.
Spare your loved ones from the added stress and grief of having to make multiple really difficult decisions in a short space of time.
Limit the potential for family arguments and disputes.
So if you would like to truly benefit from giving yourself the gift of having No Regrets and total peace of mind (and maybe discover a renewed sense of vigour and love for life in the process!), then please do contact me below for your free 15-minute consultation call, I would love to support you.
Thank you so much!
Mala x
Read below for some comments of clients' experiences of working with me.
Do you want to gain peace of mind and receive the gift of having No Regrets?

Lalitya Clarke, Retiree, Brighton
Mala has helped me mentally prepare myself – I don’t find it easy to think about what I will want when I am older and incapable of making my own decisions. Now I am ready and we are going through the forms together with Mala as my heartful companion. Otherwise, I would be staring into space, feeling hazy and tired and postponing it yet again.
Dale Huxtable, Homeopath, Norway
I feel very pleased to have this done. It has been weighing on my mind for many years. I feel lighter and more at ease as a result of having completed the planning and documents.
I feel more relaxed when I think of my own death, knowing that everything is ready and prepared for. It means that as I die I can relax without having to convey last minute instructions to loved ones.

Lilla Duignan, Arts Educator, Bristol
" Going through my end of life plan together with Mala, where she shares from her experience, illuminates details that I could not know by doing it on my own"

Emilija Tomij, The Netherlands
I always felt powerless being confronted with the subject of dying and death. Now, having taken care of what I can take care of around that topic, I feel empowered and more at ease.
Letting death into my life in this way (through the programme) was an act of self-kindness and compassion, allowing myself to normalize and integrate death in my life.
Client Video Testimonials